Raid Pest Control
Sr. Art Director
Effie Finalist
Give people the knowledge and control to rid their homes of bugs.
Answer every bug question on the internet while creating tools that help people iD the bugs they have and build a system of products and tips that help them beat the bugs.
The Campaign
Massive in scope the Beat the Bugs campaign was a true rebrand and positioning for Raid. Setting out to both modernize a classic American brand while positioning them as both a trusted expert in the category yet simple and approachable when solving complex pest problems.
Digitally led the integrated campaign smartly spanned a range of strategic touch points from a fully rebuilt website to YouTube, search and even Yahoo! Answers as the expert moderator for all pest questions. Integrated with traditional media including TV, Radio and POS all communications drove back to our singular mission to Beat the Bugs that was lived out online through advanced tools such as our Bug iD Tool and System Creator that provided over 3,000 unique solutions to truly help people.
System Creator
With over 3,000 combinations of products and non-chemical tips we took the challenge of creating a simple unique solution for each individual head on. Leading users through a decision tree of questions we used a graphic approach that made choices clear while helping lessen the anxiety users feel as their often under invasion by bugs as they use the site. Their final solution gives them a step-by-step approach to fighting their bug problem and easily let’s them print or email their solution so they have it in hand at shelf.
Socially Wired
To help destigmatize the perception that people are along in their bug problems we built a heat map that pulled from Google search data to show the pest level for top bugs by state. We also leveraged twitter to generate living visualizations of trending insects.
Television/ Digital Video
TV and digital video created by traditional team.